Enjoy =)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Push it baby. Push it baby Out of Control

Just the way you are my new love <3

Morning sunshines.
Well, just a short one.

-sigh- I been awake since the sleepless nights and still awaits for his call since yesterday. I was expected an happy call from him, but in the end he didn't even do it. I waited till 1am. . . .2am. . .3am. . .but stills no calls.  I wondered what is he doing at the time, he should have left me any message even if he is too busy or something like that, right? yes. -down- The last night that we talk is only last for an hour ni, -sigh- And, he did told me that he got something to do, and I was like "umm, okay". -swt- Ah well, anyways, just got my lovely present from my jie (annie), a dress! Thank you jie! I love it so darn muchie. x)
I have been thinking lately, why am i always be the one who hurted alot? i certainly have no idea Maybe im just the type that easily fall for in to.

Why not just try to start a new life in case of stuck being in the old? It's a brand new year aite! So what am i looking forward to in 2010? (boh idea!! >.<")

Don't say you love me if that's not what you meant,
Don't say you cares about what or who i am,
Don't say your hurt because of me,
Don't say your sorry if your just a fake,
Don't ever act like a kid infront of me,
Don't ever say your sorry for what you have done to me,
Don't say that im your one and only, for the only reasons which not at all.

Take note everytime the grandfather clock chimes
for you can never turn back time
always try to reach for books on the shelf
for its the only way to improve yourself

I might be lost and fading today
after what been brought from yesterday
but someday i'll find my own way out
i might have lotsa friends when i'm happy
but i will only see the true ones when i cry

Take life one day at a time
for only then maybe i will shine
telling myself that my dreams and hope are as sweet as wine
and someday i'll make 'em mine

Never give up on hope
for there's always a someone will help you cope
although i might not have anything left to gain
but i could always start all over again.

anyways, gotta continue my pfft work.GAH!
Reb is signing out.
xoxo all.

p/s:: Melissa Beh, don't always so emo.
Think straight ahead, try to leave your past behind.
Try to live happily if you can.
Trust me once you can do it, you'll be set free and live up! xoxo.